Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Life for Old Blog: Spiked Leather Tiaras

I started this blog back when GamerGate first started and I ended the blog several months later due to the bullying and abuse I received as a female supporter of GamerGate.

I've decided to dust off the blog now that I believe GamerGate is dead (we've made huge strides in making gaming websites disclose conflicts of interest and now the hashtag has devolved into fighting cliques, so, in my opinion, it's over)

I'm in a much better place than I was in August 2014. We are buying a new home in a different town (to get away from my stalker), I am learning Korean and as a result I've discovered Korean Dramas (KDrama) and KPop, and we're getting ready for a vacation.

So, I wanted to share new things.

This week I finally had a regret. I regret never having worn a spiked and studded leather Tiara like this when I was young and into Punk Rock.

I'm thinking of pulling out my old leather making
tools and making one for myself.