Friday, September 26, 2014

Hello World! I Guess I'm Picking Up From Where I Was in 2009

I was thinking of starting a new blog so I can articulate my thoughts on #NotYourShield and #GamerGate and I remembered I had a gaming blog from 2006-2009. I found an archive of the blog on The Most Beautiful Computer In The Whole Of The Known Universe (the computer I used from 2006 - 2011 and which is now hooked up to the TV for Netflix).

Here are my favorite quotes from that blog:
  • I don't think anyone started treating me differently when they heard my voice. I do get a lot of "How old are you?" because I have a high squeaky voice and sound like a teenager. But, eventually everyone gets over that and we can get on with our questing.

  • "A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction." -Rita Mae Brown
    This quote explains why I prefer to play a Fury Warrior instead of a Prot warrior - I believe (right or wrong) that a Fury Warrior acts and a Prot Warrior reacts.

  • And then there was the "Alton Brown" moment. I had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV and something roused me. I woke up just enough to see an Alton Brown commercial and I remember thinking I needed to attack him, but I couldn't tell if he was flagged or not.
    It took me a few minutes to realize that #1 - Alton Brown is not a member of the Horde and #2 - thank goodness I don't have combat reflexes because I would hate to have to buy Chris a new television.

  •  I have interests in life other than gaming (honestly - I do!) . One of my lifelong passions has been poetry. I blame AA Milne.

  •  I detest that book. I am so rabidly anti-that book that when asked for my opinion on the book I went on a rant that lasted several minutes (not days as some people like to exaggerate). The person I was ranting to made the comment that they hadn't seen me this worked up since Dawn was introduced on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I would like to go on record that it wasn't Dawn's introduction. If you follow the Buffy example I haven't been this upset since my run in with David Fury. )

  •  Today someone told me that gaming is not an interesting hobby because there are no 'real life consequences'. 
    Who are these people and why do they talk to me?

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