Friday, November 7, 2014

Days of Thankfulness Week One

Every November I participate in the Days of Thankfulness on FaceBook and Twitter. Here are my Days of Thankfulness for the first week of November:

Month of Thankfulness Day 1 I'm thankful for family

Month of Thankfulness Day 2 I'm thankful for no snow.

Month of Thankfulness Day 3
I'm thankful for modern transportation.

Month of Thankfulness Day 4: I'm glad I'm home.

Month of Thankfulness Day 5:
I am thankful for all the fun and kind people I've met through #GamerGate and the GamerGate Kitteh Patrol. (When people are fighting we swamp them with cute kitten pictures)

We are fighting against journalistic corruption and journalistic bullying. Is it surprising the pro-corruption journalist and pro-bullying bloggers have painted us as a hate

Month of Thankfulness Day 6: I am Thankful for co-workers who bring me soup. (Thanks Phil! I appreciate it)

Month of Thankfulness Day 7: I am Thankful for Virtual BlizzCon Tickets.  

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