Thursday, October 16, 2014

Apparently I Am A Sock Puppet

The Guardian removed one of my comments because apparently I am a sock puppet and they can prove it.

I didn't start this blog or my youtube site until after I joined #NotYourShield, so of course I'm not real.

Doesn't matter that I have over 7 years of my twitter identity. Doesn't matter that I post actual videos of myself. Doesn't matter that I have steam account under this handle.

No, just because I decided to start a new blog for my Gamer Activism, I am a sock puppet.  Maybe I should have turned my Cats, Crochet, and Cooking blog into my Gaming Activist blog. I've had it since 2006. Would that give me enough relevancy?

Anyway, here's the comment they deleted:

An Answer to The Guardian's "Lazy Coverage" article

Sometimes I feel like I am a lone voice yelling out in the wilderness. I began using the #NotYourShield hashtag after August 28th when my Facebook Account was filled with hateful articles from the Games Journalism Sites I followed. I disagreed with some of them and wrote my thoughts, using my "Real Name" and my "Real Facebook" account and I started getting hate mail and messages.

The next day an article was posted (again on Facebook) about how Anti-GamerGate supporters were being harassed. I shared my story and was abused by Anti-GamerGaters to the point where I had to lock down my FaceBook profile to stop the stream of harassment.

I didn't know who Zoe Quinn was. I hadn't watched one Anita Sarkeesian video. At this point all I knew was that the magazines that were supposed to be writing about my hobby were attacking me. And a subset of their readers were encouraging people to harass me.

And, continuing with this article, the harassment and attacks of gamers has continued (comparing me to the Teaparty and Climate change deniers is new though, kudos on that.)

I am a Liberal Democrat who lives in Texas, I've had lots of practice being marginalized by the media. I am stubborn and I will not shut up.

So, I will stand here and yell "#GamerGate is and has always been about Journalistic Transparency and Integrity." even though my voice may be ignored, I will still keep yelling.

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