Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I Support Intel's Decision To Pull Their Ads

We own one i7, two i5, one i3, a Celeron, two Atom, and a Q6600.

My love affair with Intel began with the Q6600. It was (and is) the brains of The Most Beautiful Computer In The Whole Of The Known Universe.  My current computer is an i7-3770 and I'm planning on upgrading to the new x99 chipset with a 6-core i7 and DDR4 in the near future.

I got the Q6600 computer in 2007 and I'm still using it today. It's my back up computer and is also my Netflix computer. I support Intel because it makes a rock solid product and I appreciate the way they are going forward in processor design.

I also support #GamerGate and here are my reasons:
  1. I believe, and have believed for years, that Gaming Journalists are corrupt (For example see coverage of  Dragon Age 2).
  2. I believe that questioning Gaming Journalists and their integrity does not make me "Anti-Feminist". 
  3. I do not believe all gamers are hateful.
  4. I do not believe all gamers are potential rapists
  5. I do not believe that telling young women that a whole sub-culture hates them is the way to fix anything.
Some background: I was aware of the controversy surrounding a certain game designer and her ex, but I ignored it because, well, break up drama. I wasn't surprised by the claims of Journalistic Misfeasance (the performance of a lawful action in an improper manner). Anyone who was around during the Dragon Age 2 Debacle is aware that the Gaming Press is in bed with Game Publishers. What did surprise me this time was how the Gaming Press reacted to claims that they weren't Impartial Ponies, suddenly all gamers were misogynists and rapists. I read article after article attacking my hobby. 

I followed all the big names gaming sites on Facebook. When I used Facebook to reply to an anti-gamer article I received hateful messages in my Facebook Inbox, I was called misogynistic, was told I supported rapists, was told I wasn't really a gamer, was called a neckbeard. (I had no idea what a neckbeard was, I had to ask my nephew).

When the site wrote another piece on how #GamerGate supporters were harrassing people I once again used Facebook to tell the story of the attack on me. Once again I received hateful messages. I had to lock down my FaceBook and make everything Private so that the stream of hate would stop. This is when I decided to join #GamerGate.
When #GamerGate suggested a polite letter writing campaign to the advertisers on the websites that were attacking my hobby I happily joined in.
And it's working.

And the Anti-GamerGate hate volcanoe just keeps getting bigger. Intel is listening to it's customers, which is a good thing. It does not make the company Anti-Feminist, Misogynistic, or part of the rape culture.
In closing, just for the record: I am a Liberal. I am a Woman. I am an American Indian. I am a Computer Technician. I am a Wife. I am a Gamer. I am NOT a Sock Puppet. I am NOT a Shill. I am NOT a Misogynist. I am NOT Sadly Misinformed.

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