Saturday, October 25, 2014

The GamerGate I'm Fighting For

I'm wondering what is happening with journalists. When Breitbart of all sites, BREITBART, is the only news site giving voice to a movement made up of young liberal (left leaning) people, sex positive feminists, and Libertarians.

Everyday I feel more and more like I've fallen through the rabbit hole.

@LetsSailHatan was harassed off Twitter for setting up ‪#‎GamerGate‬ Harassment Patrol (Update: Oct. 29  She's back!)

@_icze4r (Margaret) gets death threats and rape threats daily. Her address was also posted.

@KingofPol was sent a knife in the mail with a note attached to it that told him to kill himself. A False Suicide Report was also called in on him and the Fire Department showed up at his house.

@Nero (Milo) was sent a syringe full of something through the mail.

Seth Rogan posts penis photos on Twitter. (This really upset me)

And no one in the news reports it.

Anyway, here's a Breitbart article about Margaret. Read it if you want to see the #GamerGate I'm fighting for.

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