Thursday, December 11, 2014

Why I Turned Down a Chance to Speak at a College

I was asked to speak at a local college about being a woman in technology, and I turned it down. Part of it was they asked me at the last minute and I had prior plans (nothing that couldn't have been rescheduled), but the main reason why I turned it down is GamerGate.

I'm Pro-GamerGate and I didn't want to be made a larger target of harassment than I already am. Anti-GamerGate has harassed me on FaceBook, they've harassed me on Twitter and they've attempted to harass me at work, but ended up annoying me instead of scaring me. No place is safe anymore. So, I did not want to go speak at a college where there are certain to be Anti-GamerGate people in the audience who may decide to harass me because I want ethical journalism.

Also, I've been trying to lay low since AGG started visiting my job and I just didn't feel like pining a target on myself the day before my vacation. And I do believe that speaking about being a woman in technology and not toeing the Third Wave Feminist line at a college would be pinning a target on myself in the current cultural climate.

This month is special to me, this weekend my husband and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary and I'm feeling nostalgic and loving and happy. And quite honestly, I don't want to argue or fight with anyone right now. I don't want to worry about offending or angering anyone with my cultural and political views. I want to float through the month spending time with the man I fell in love with when I was 19, remembering all the silly things we've done with our life and planning new adventures for the future.

My husband and our life together is what is important to me. More important than GamerGate, more important than speaking for women in technology, more important than worrying about being harassed.

Being nostalgic and loving and happy for my husband is what I will remember at the end of my life. And that's the way it should be.

Christmas Through The Years:
Our First Christmas Together 1984

Our Tenth Christmas Together 1994

Our 20th Christmas Together 2004

A Selfie My Husband Took of Us in April 2014
(We haven't taken our Christmas Picture yet)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Days of Thankfulness Week One

Every November I participate in the Days of Thankfulness on FaceBook and Twitter. Here are my Days of Thankfulness for the first week of November:

Month of Thankfulness Day 1 I'm thankful for family

Month of Thankfulness Day 2 I'm thankful for no snow.

Month of Thankfulness Day 3
I'm thankful for modern transportation.

Month of Thankfulness Day 4: I'm glad I'm home.

Month of Thankfulness Day 5:
I am thankful for all the fun and kind people I've met through #GamerGate and the GamerGate Kitteh Patrol. (When people are fighting we swamp them with cute kitten pictures)

We are fighting against journalistic corruption and journalistic bullying. Is it surprising the pro-corruption journalist and pro-bullying bloggers have painted us as a hate

Month of Thankfulness Day 6: I am Thankful for co-workers who bring me soup. (Thanks Phil! I appreciate it)

Month of Thankfulness Day 7: I am Thankful for Virtual BlizzCon Tickets.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why I Believe I Do NOT Have Internalized Misogyny

This is my longest video to date about some feminist struggles I've had in my life and how I've dealt with them.

Why I Call Myself A Thorn (Semi-Transcript from VLOG)

Here are the notes I used for my video titled "What Does Internalized Misogony Mean"

I'm going to step on my soap box for a moment. Many of you have visited my Twitter profile and commented on my pinned tweet. For those of you who haven't it is my opinion on David Auerbach's slate article titled "Letter to a young Male Gamer", and Mr. Auerbach asks us to stop puplicaly critizing female game devs. To go after the men, but give the women a free pass, even if you think they merit criticism, because women in gaming have it way rougher than men do.  
My reply was that I have been fighting all my life to be taken seriously and I resented being told I'm too fragile for criticism.
Stepping on my soapbox: I have been told many times that I have "Internalized Misogyny" and I don't think the people understand what Internalized Misogyny really means. To illustrate Let me tell you some stories from my past:
I love Star Wars. The movie changed my life and introduced me to Science Fiction. I asked for StarWars merchandise for my 13th birthday. I got a doll, because Star Wars was for boys. I started cleaning neighbors houses on weekends and bought my own StarWars Merchandise
Computers really interested me, I wanted to major in computer science. I was told that was for boys and I kind of caved here because I have an accounting degree. (which was in itself controversial because according to my family the only 3 jobs suitable for women are: Mother, Waitress and Teacher)
Cultural Influences
When my much younger cousin asked me what it was like to be a lesbian, I laughed and said, "Honey, I'm married, I'm not a lesbian" and he replied, "but you do boy things like play video games, and read science fiction, and watch Xena." I said, "That just means I like video games, science fiction and Xena. It doesn't mean I'm gay." And I kept enjoying all my hobbies.
I have serious health issues. Almost 20 years ago, when he was leaving the military, a 1st sgt told my husband that he wouldn't be able to get a job with health benefits and to think about me, his wife, who wasn't able to take care of herself, so he should reenlist. Within a month I had my own damn job with a large tech corporation and had my own health benefits, and my husband had the freedom to 0 make the decision to leave the military on his terms without worrying about me.
Now, if I had Internalized Misogyny I would have pushed all thoughts of doing anything that wasn't feminine deep down so that I would conform to the society around me. I would have accepted the doll, I would have become a teacher, I would have left my hobbies, I would have let a man (my husband) be the person who was responsible for my health. And I would have hated myself for conforming.
But, I didn't. I went ahead and did what I thought was best for me, I bought my own merchandise, I studied something that interested me, I stopped going to Christmas dinners, I got a better job.
I, personally see the women and men telling me I've internalized my misogyny, The Fragile Flower Feminists, as the real misogynists. They are telling me that to be a "real" and "correct" woman that I have to think like they do and condemn my hobby.
I'm not going to.
I'm going to keep doing what I've done my entire life, I'm going to turn my back on their opinions, and then go do what I originally set out to do, which is be a voice for #GamerGate and #NotYourShield.
And, as my husband likes to say, This is why I am a Thorn and not a Flower. You sit on a flower it is crushed and destroyed. You sit on a Thorn and you jump up and say, "Holy Hell, that hurt." I'm still proud to be a Thorn.
 Stepping off my soap box now. 
 And I think everyone who has made it this far deserves a reward!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The GamerGate I'm Fighting For

I'm wondering what is happening with journalists. When Breitbart of all sites, BREITBART, is the only news site giving voice to a movement made up of young liberal (left leaning) people, sex positive feminists, and Libertarians.

Everyday I feel more and more like I've fallen through the rabbit hole.

@LetsSailHatan was harassed off Twitter for setting up ‪#‎GamerGate‬ Harassment Patrol (Update: Oct. 29  She's back!)

@_icze4r (Margaret) gets death threats and rape threats daily. Her address was also posted.

@KingofPol was sent a knife in the mail with a note attached to it that told him to kill himself. A False Suicide Report was also called in on him and the Fire Department showed up at his house.

@Nero (Milo) was sent a syringe full of something through the mail.

Seth Rogan posts penis photos on Twitter. (This really upset me)

And no one in the news reports it.

Anyway, here's a Breitbart article about Margaret. Read it if you want to see the #GamerGate I'm fighting for.

Monday, October 20, 2014

On Sock Puppets, WoW, and Sam Biddle's Ass

My latest video, which has a very fierce picture! 

Sam Biddle's Ass (Semi Transcript)

Here are the notes I used for my Video titled "On Sock Puppets, WoW and Sam Biddle's Ass"
Hello and welcome to the sock puppet edition of This Garden of Thorns.
So, this week I had all my comments in articles on The removed and was banned from a forum because I am a sock puppet and they can prove it. If you are unsure what a "sock puppet" is, it means I created a whole new online identity, just to further my online activism.
Nevermind that I've been using the same twitter account since April 2007. Never mind that I have used the same handle on Steam since 2010. Nevermind that I have been active on the Blizzard Websites with the same handle since 2006.
No. Because I chose to start a new blog and youtube account instead of attaching to my old cooking blog, I'm fake.
And there was other stuff, but the abuse from the people on the forums after I was kicked off was the worst.
But some good stuff also happened this weekend. I listened to a very imformative and fun stream on Friday hosted by Oliver Campbell and if you ever have 4 and a half hours to kill please give Threedog's #Gamergate News Radio Ep 4. a listen.
While I was listening to the stream I was able to get my Rogue in WoW up to Level 86, which may not seem like a big deal (I do have a couple of 90s), but it is a HUGE deal. 
My Rogue, Shadow was the first toon I ever created on my own account back in Vanilla WoW and I've had her since 2005 and only now have I got her to L86. So I'm averaging a little over 9 levels a year on her. Because I hate playing her. I said I wanted to do lots of damage and my friends convinced me to make a Night Elf Rogue, and I hated it. I hated all the sneaking around. So I made a Warrior, spec'd Fury and never looked back. (and speccing fury in Vanilla made me VERY unpopular) And seriously, if I can survive refusing to spec prot in Vanilla and BC, then I can survive anything the Anti-GamerGates want to throw at me. Raiders can be viscious about specs.
Also on the negative side this week Valley Wag editor Sam Biddle became twitter famous for tweets that seemed to advocate bullying during National Bullying Prevention Month: Such as "Ultimately GamerGate is reaffirming what we've known to be true for decades: nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission.

He did apologize.
And then Deadspin editor Tommy Craggs replied to a memo from Jim Romenesko with this gem: But the memo and the apology - over what amounted to a few half assed jokes of the kind my site specializes in - seemed to cross some sort of editorial Rubicon. I don't think you believed a word of what you wrote, and I'm certain that Biddle didn't believe a word of his apology. And those tweets (meaning Biddle's tweets)DID get at the truth of what we've been trying to say about Gamergate: that it's an unserious and contemptible movement that deserves nothing more than half of Sam Biddle's ass. 
Which is how we all ended up talking about Sam Biddle's ass this weekend.
This weekend also brought us "Tweet Like Not Your Shield" and wow. I've never seen such a collection of racist hate speech in my life. I can't even begin to explain how much some of the tweets upset me. I've talked before about how I feel about people who try to silence me and remove my relevancy. These forces were out in streangth this weekend.
But GamerGate and NYS did have a champion in Liz who participated in a Pro vs Anti interview and showed herself to be an articulate, gracious, member of GamerGate. Her interview was very inspiring and postive and the oppositions interview was everything but. 
So, when one of the Literally Whos came out and said that all the women in Not Your Shield were afraid of the GamerGate men I had to step in and bring some love.

So, Gamergate and NotYourShield, I would like to end this week of bullying and hate speech with a message of love and support.
Please remember that we all deserve to live in a world where we aren't belittled by people for our choices of hobbies. We all deserve to live in a world where we are treated with dignity, even by those who disagree with us. We all deserve to have a gaming press, gaming bloggers, and gaming journalists who are ethical and treat us, their readers, their customers with respect.
And please remember that I love you, and together we can win this, not with hate, but with our love for our hobby and our friends.
 Stay on message and be kind.

Friday, October 17, 2014

And This Is Why I Love Him

I was really upset about being called a Sock Puppet yesterday.

Never mind that I've been using the Thornblossom Twitter account since April 2007.
Never mind that I have used the Thornblossom handle on Steam since 2010.
Never mind that I have been active on the Blizzard Websites with the Thornblossom  handle since 2006.

Never mind that the Companions of Xarth (whose banner I use for my YouTube picture) have been around since 2007 as a World of Warcraft Guild and 19-fucking-79 as a a D&D Group. (It's my husband's group. They decided to try playing WoW so made the guild, but they all preferred tabletop RPG and left. So I took the guild over and it's been active ever since. The D&D Group is also still active today.)

Anyway, I was upset.

And then my husband posted this:

And this is why I love him. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Apparently I Am A Sock Puppet

The Guardian removed one of my comments because apparently I am a sock puppet and they can prove it.

I didn't start this blog or my youtube site until after I joined #NotYourShield, so of course I'm not real.

Doesn't matter that I have over 7 years of my twitter identity. Doesn't matter that I post actual videos of myself. Doesn't matter that I have steam account under this handle.

No, just because I decided to start a new blog for my Gamer Activism, I am a sock puppet.  Maybe I should have turned my Cats, Crochet, and Cooking blog into my Gaming Activist blog. I've had it since 2006. Would that give me enough relevancy?

Anyway, here's the comment they deleted:

An Answer to The Guardian's "Lazy Coverage" article

Sometimes I feel like I am a lone voice yelling out in the wilderness. I began using the #NotYourShield hashtag after August 28th when my Facebook Account was filled with hateful articles from the Games Journalism Sites I followed. I disagreed with some of them and wrote my thoughts, using my "Real Name" and my "Real Facebook" account and I started getting hate mail and messages.

The next day an article was posted (again on Facebook) about how Anti-GamerGate supporters were being harassed. I shared my story and was abused by Anti-GamerGaters to the point where I had to lock down my FaceBook profile to stop the stream of harassment.

I didn't know who Zoe Quinn was. I hadn't watched one Anita Sarkeesian video. At this point all I knew was that the magazines that were supposed to be writing about my hobby were attacking me. And a subset of their readers were encouraging people to harass me.

And, continuing with this article, the harassment and attacks of gamers has continued (comparing me to the Teaparty and Climate change deniers is new though, kudos on that.)

I am a Liberal Democrat who lives in Texas, I've had lots of practice being marginalized by the media. I am stubborn and I will not shut up.

So, I will stand here and yell "#GamerGate is and has always been about Journalistic Transparency and Integrity." even though my voice may be ignored, I will still keep yelling.

Stop GamerGate Hashtag

My latest video, which for some reason doesn't have a preview picture. I'm there, honestly, I am.:

Notes on Stop GamerGate Hashtag (Semi-Transcripts)

Here are the notes I used for my "Stop GamerGate" video:

Hello again GamerGate and NotYourShield and a special shout out to our friends in #StopGamerGate!
 I had a wonderful night. Husband took me out to dinner, played some WoW (Got the Iron Horde Achievement!), cuddled some cats, read some twitt...oh. About that.
StopGamerGate. Hm. StopGamerGate. I'm wondering Just what do the people in Stop Gamer Gate want? To stop the hash tag? OK. It's stopped. What have you accomplished? Is everyone happy now? Are all the journalists on all the game sites ethical now? Or better yet, to use the example of what I'm reading you want - Has all the harassment of all the women and minorities stopped now? Yeah... About that.
As a woman and a minority I really object to your trying to stop my voice. Silence me. Remove my relevancy. You know, harass me.
I promise this next part does have something to do with GamerGate. Did you know that there are Blood quantum laws in the US in regards to the American Indians? What that means is that you have a certain "percentage" of indian blood. And this is a little strange for me because I am allowed to call myself a Shoshone, but I'm not allowed to call myself a Cree. (My paternal Grandmother was Shoshone, My maternal Great Grandmother was a Cree). And I have light skin, so when I was little everyone just called me "That White Girl" 
So. I have had to fight almost all my life to be recognized as an Indian because I can "pass" as white. Would it have been easier for me to just step back and say, I'm white. Sure, but that would have meant not respecting my grandmothers whom I loved.
And this is the background I'm bringing with me to GamerGate and NotYourShield. This is why it matters to me when gamers are called White and told we are dead. These are the same issues I faced as a child. I was called white as an insult, gamers are called white as an insult. 
Indians have been told their culture is dead over and over.
Gamers are being told that our culture is over.
Journalists demonized the Indians, just as the gamers have been demonized.
This is what I'm fighting against. This is my background. This is why I am part of Not Your Shield.
So, you get rid of the hash tag. It's gone. The resentment that your harrassment campaign against gamers had engendered is still going to be here. We are still going to be insulted and angry at your belittling our culture. And we will find more and more ways to fight against.
 GamerGate is dead. Long live the gamers. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Trying To Vlog

And I am typing this post with one hand, the other is holding Pippin in my lap so he doesn't roll off. (he is sleeping).

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Starting my Vlog (Someday)

I was going to start my Vlog today, but heath issues popped up and I wasn't able to.

My subject was going to be my background in fighting to be taken seriously in my life. I was a girl, growing up on a reservation who wanted to be Han Solo. I read Science Fiction, I read Comics, I played Video Games whenever the opportunity presented itself, and later, after I grew up, I became a Computer Technician. I've been fighting to be taken seriously in my life, and not treated like a token or a special snowflake or a fragile flower, for a long, long time. And, for the record, I started dating my husband when I was 18 (he was 19), so I wasn't faking interest "to meet the boyz".

Here is what I posted on Facebook and sent a screen shot to Twitter. It was going to be the base of my Vlog:

I am so outraged right now that I can't speak, and I know I'm a month late on this, but it was just brought to my attention. Here are quotes from David Auerbach's Slate article titled "Letter To A Young Male Gamer". (I had to read the article twice to see if it was sarcasm, and it doesn't appear to be) :

"But I do have a request for you: Stop publicly criticizing LW. Go after the men. Criticize the games themselves. But leave the women alone, even if you think they merit criticism."

"Women in gaming have it way rougher than men, and to be blunt, it is simply not the end of the world if LW gets a free pass for whatever sins she may have committed"

What. The. Hell. David Auerbach.

I have been fighting all my life to be taken seriously. Now you are telling me I'm too fragile for criticism.

Chris told me this is why I am a Thorn and not a Flower. You sit on a flower and it is crushed, destroyed. You sit on a Thorn and jump up and say, "Holy Hell, That hurt."

I'm proud to be a Thorn today.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I Support Intel's Decision To Pull Their Ads

We own one i7, two i5, one i3, a Celeron, two Atom, and a Q6600.

My love affair with Intel began with the Q6600. It was (and is) the brains of The Most Beautiful Computer In The Whole Of The Known Universe.  My current computer is an i7-3770 and I'm planning on upgrading to the new x99 chipset with a 6-core i7 and DDR4 in the near future.

I got the Q6600 computer in 2007 and I'm still using it today. It's my back up computer and is also my Netflix computer. I support Intel because it makes a rock solid product and I appreciate the way they are going forward in processor design.

I also support #GamerGate and here are my reasons:
  1. I believe, and have believed for years, that Gaming Journalists are corrupt (For example see coverage of  Dragon Age 2).
  2. I believe that questioning Gaming Journalists and their integrity does not make me "Anti-Feminist". 
  3. I do not believe all gamers are hateful.
  4. I do not believe all gamers are potential rapists
  5. I do not believe that telling young women that a whole sub-culture hates them is the way to fix anything.
Some background: I was aware of the controversy surrounding a certain game designer and her ex, but I ignored it because, well, break up drama. I wasn't surprised by the claims of Journalistic Misfeasance (the performance of a lawful action in an improper manner). Anyone who was around during the Dragon Age 2 Debacle is aware that the Gaming Press is in bed with Game Publishers. What did surprise me this time was how the Gaming Press reacted to claims that they weren't Impartial Ponies, suddenly all gamers were misogynists and rapists. I read article after article attacking my hobby. 

I followed all the big names gaming sites on Facebook. When I used Facebook to reply to an anti-gamer article I received hateful messages in my Facebook Inbox, I was called misogynistic, was told I supported rapists, was told I wasn't really a gamer, was called a neckbeard. (I had no idea what a neckbeard was, I had to ask my nephew).

When the site wrote another piece on how #GamerGate supporters were harrassing people I once again used Facebook to tell the story of the attack on me. Once again I received hateful messages. I had to lock down my FaceBook and make everything Private so that the stream of hate would stop. This is when I decided to join #GamerGate.
When #GamerGate suggested a polite letter writing campaign to the advertisers on the websites that were attacking my hobby I happily joined in.
And it's working.

And the Anti-GamerGate hate volcanoe just keeps getting bigger. Intel is listening to it's customers, which is a good thing. It does not make the company Anti-Feminist, Misogynistic, or part of the rape culture.
In closing, just for the record: I am a Liberal. I am a Woman. I am an American Indian. I am a Computer Technician. I am a Wife. I am a Gamer. I am NOT a Sock Puppet. I am NOT a Shill. I am NOT a Misogynist. I am NOT Sadly Misinformed.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

On How My Lady Parts Have Nothing To Do With My Employment

I'm going to start off this post with a little bit about myself.

I'm a computer technician. I started working with computers in 1994 in Germany at AAFES (Army and Airforce Exchange Service). Since then I have worked at a Fortune 500 company, a national computer sales/repair franchise, and, currently, at a small family owned computer store.

Attitudes towards women technicians have changed a lot since I started, and in my opinion they've changed for the better. When I started at the Fortune 500 company only 10% of the technicians were women, and now that number is closer to 30%. We are making strides forward in the corporate environment.

The small locally owned business environment though... that one can be a little tricky.

I left my last job because I have health issues. I have my current job because I was lucky enough to know the manager of my Friendly Local Computer Store (FLCS). He hired me part time, and I am so grateful to him. Because of him I feel like I'm still contributing to my family. I get out of the house. I get to talk to people. I get to work with computers. I love my job and I love all my co-workers.

When I first started working at the FLCS I dyed my hair to cover the gray, and I was routinely asked if the manager of the store was my husband/boyfriend. Since I got tired of explaining how old I am, I decided to let my hair go grey. And now, I'm routinely asked if my coworkers are my children.

Now, if I was a certain type of Feminist Social Justice Warrior, I would spin this to mean that the people asking these questions were implying that the only possible way a woman could get a job as a technician was through her vagina: either letting someone in or pushing someone out.  

That isn't my thought process. My thought process is that these people are not malicious, instead they are all well meaning and just want to indulge in some harmless gossip. So I laugh and say no, we're not related. And then I get on with my life.

It's all about putting things into perspective, most people don't realize that their words can be spun into something malicious, so don't judge them harshly. And I believe we have to keep this perspective in everything we do, even #GamerGate and #NotYourShield.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Why I Identify As A Gamer

To paraphrase my favorite pirate movie: 
  • Are you putting [writing] down that I'm a Gamer? Good! Because I am! I have sought pleasure and profit all my life in games without regard for any man's disapproval

I identify as a gamer because I've been playing games ever since I became aware of them. My gaming started with the Atari 2600. Frogger, PacMan, Space Invaders, Tank, Breakout. As I got older and bought my own consoles I was a Sega girl, but I did have a Game Boy for the times when I couldn't be near a TV set, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was my game of Choice.

Then I got my first computer and I discovered Sid Meier. Pirates, Covert Action, Civilization. I lost whole weekends to these games. And then Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans. My love affair with Blizzard and Azaroth began.

So, yes, I'm a gamer because I love games. I love playing them. I love reading about them. I love talking about them. They are my hobby of choice and I'm proud to say I am a gamer.

I'd like to close with an update of a post I did in 2007 -

"Will You Regret Playing Games When You Are Old?"

What could I be doing instead of gaming? Let's see.... What did I do before?

I read. I painted. I designed quilts. I went out with friends. I watched television. I wrote poetry. I dabbled with computer games. I had a full life. 

Then, the person I considered to be my touch stone died and my life changed. 

On the days I worked I would wake up, force myself out of bed, take a shower, go to work, come home and collapse into bed until the next morning. 

On my days off I laid in bed and watched birds in the birdfeeders and birdbath all day, until the sun started to set and the fireflies came out. And then I would go to sleep. There were whole weekends where I didn't get out of bed. 

I went on anti-depressants. 

I went off anti-depressants.

I was a zombie.

This went on for months and months. 

Finally, one of my friends convinced me to try a new game called World of Warcraft. 

And... I started to wake up. I had something to look forward to every day. 

I started going out again with friends who also played WoW. I started taking classes and meeting people and having fun again. I started smiling more. I started being me again. 

So, no... I will never regret WoW. I will never regret The Sims. I will never regret Portal 2. They brought me back. I recognize myself again. 

What about you? Why do you identify as a gamer?

Hello World! I Guess I'm Picking Up From Where I Was in 2009

I was thinking of starting a new blog so I can articulate my thoughts on #NotYourShield and #GamerGate and I remembered I had a gaming blog from 2006-2009. I found an archive of the blog on The Most Beautiful Computer In The Whole Of The Known Universe (the computer I used from 2006 - 2011 and which is now hooked up to the TV for Netflix).

Here are my favorite quotes from that blog:
  • I don't think anyone started treating me differently when they heard my voice. I do get a lot of "How old are you?" because I have a high squeaky voice and sound like a teenager. But, eventually everyone gets over that and we can get on with our questing.

  • "A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action, not reaction." -Rita Mae Brown
    This quote explains why I prefer to play a Fury Warrior instead of a Prot warrior - I believe (right or wrong) that a Fury Warrior acts and a Prot Warrior reacts.

  • And then there was the "Alton Brown" moment. I had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV and something roused me. I woke up just enough to see an Alton Brown commercial and I remember thinking I needed to attack him, but I couldn't tell if he was flagged or not.
    It took me a few minutes to realize that #1 - Alton Brown is not a member of the Horde and #2 - thank goodness I don't have combat reflexes because I would hate to have to buy Chris a new television.

  •  I have interests in life other than gaming (honestly - I do!) . One of my lifelong passions has been poetry. I blame AA Milne.

  •  I detest that book. I am so rabidly anti-that book that when asked for my opinion on the book I went on a rant that lasted several minutes (not days as some people like to exaggerate). The person I was ranting to made the comment that they hadn't seen me this worked up since Dawn was introduced on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I would like to go on record that it wasn't Dawn's introduction. If you follow the Buffy example I haven't been this upset since my run in with David Fury. )

  •  Today someone told me that gaming is not an interesting hobby because there are no 'real life consequences'. 
    Who are these people and why do they talk to me?